Wednesday 5 January 2011


I experimented with the type face and colour's to come up with the finial logo, I experimented with the different colours to see what would go together best.

Focus group

i put my work on facebook and asked people what they though about my work and this is the feedback i got

Questionnaire Analysis

I questioned twenty people. The first graph shows me that most of the people I questioned were in their 40-59's. I questioned 10 male and 10 female to make it as fair as possible. Most people I questioned said they do read newspapers. Eight people out of twenty said they do not buy newspapers in comparison to 12 who said they do. Most people I questioned said they do not read news online this may be because they do not no how to use the developing technology or they may just prefer the hardcopy. Most said they prefer to read the hardcopy. I myself prefer to read the hardcopy, as I do not think the online version delivers the full flavour of the story as the hardcopy does and lastly most people said they do read local newspapers.

Here are some other graphs we came up with.

Front page > Experiment

Newspaper Front Cover Flat Plan

the main front cover 
My group mates and me worked together to make this layout for the newspaper, we met up at a weekend and put our skills to the test and finally we decided we will be using this layout for the font cover of the newspaper.

Newspaper Layout For The Inside Page

This is another layout my group mates and I decided we should use as a guideline for the inside of the newspaper as you will see in my work I did not stick to the layout as I didn’t think it was important to do so as I wanted to show my individuality in my work and had revised other news articles and had seen their pattern of work which inspired me to play around with the layout during the editing period.

Front Page Of The Newspaper

This is the final version of the front page of my newspaper I created this newspaper on Photoshop.

Inside Page Of The Newspaper

This is the inside page of my newspaper as I had mentioned previously, I did not stick to the original layout because, as I developed my work and gathered my stories I thought this layout looked better and I couldn’t’ structure all my stories around the other layout as my stories overlapped . I have created two adverts from scratch and I took the pictures with a digital camera and edited the stories and made my newspaper on Photoshop.

Poster > acutal

This is the finial version of my poster

New media technologies

The pictures above show the development of new media technologies and how easy it is to obtain news. On my phone you can see our website and the picture I have taken are of my news stories from the news website we created as part of the coursework.